Thanks for looking at my site.
If you are not finding the sound samples for each of the impluse response (IR) file packs for bass cabs or guitar cabs, please follow the following instructions.
If you are viewing my site on a phone or tablet, on each IR pack page your web browser will show you a series of arrows pointing to the left and right direction (below the product description). Please click on those arrows!!! They will reveal more information and sound samples as you click through them.
If you are viewing my site on a computer, on each IR pack page your web browser will show you a series of grayed out phrases or words (below the product description). Please click on those grayed out phrases or words!!! They will reveal more information and sound samples as you click through them.
I designed this site this way so that the page loads quickly and so you can get to information only if you want to see it.
If you have any other difficulties using this site, please let me know. I am constantly looking to improve it to get you what you want as time efficiently as possible,
Thanks again for your consideration and hopefully your support.
Happy playing,
Mike “Dr Bonkers” Santasiero